Forever Knight and any of it's recognizable characters are not mine. May not be archived without permission, although if you'd like to do so, please ask. ;) ~~~~~ A year, Ten years, A hundred years The night abounds, The darkness comforting, Shrouding him, As the world passes by. A single year, It stands alone. So inconsequential, So short-lived. Ten years, A segment of a life. At first it's clear, But soon fades away. A hundred years, So quickly gone. The lines blur, And silence falls. Time passes, So fast, yet slow, And here he is, Standing in the flow. He waits, Holding against the current, Everything changing, And yet not. Soon, time would shift, Starting another cycle, Another time, Another chance. And here he stands, Hoping against hope, Hoping for something, Something more.... His son, his child, So lost in the light, So close, And yet so far. A year, Ten years, A hundred years... ...or more. Jarvinia ~ October 2002 @>--,---`---