
Tamara Brunansky: They're beautiful! (After being given a strand of pearls. She gets on the bed, and the guy she's with massages her back) You're spoiling me. (Puts oil on her back, and massages more, getting a little rough) Ow, that's a little rough. (He abruptly moves back) Hey, you don't have to stop. (He reaches forward and chokes her. Then yanks the strand of pearls from her neck)

Natalie: Been dead at least twenty-four hours. No ID, and it looks like strangulation.
Nick: Well, do we think it happened here?
Natalie: Forensics is checking out some tire tracks. Could be she was dumped. She has an ink stamp on one hand.
Schanke: Maybe she was picked up at a night club.
Natalie: Maybe, but I couldn't tell you which one. The stamp was too smudged.
(Looking around, Nick finds a pearl on the ground)
Nick: Nat?
Natalie: Yeah?
Nick: Tell me, what are the odds that this pearl matches the marks in her neck?
Natalie: Well, it's tough to match one pearl to that much bruising, but I would say that you could be on the right track.
(Nick walks over to Daphne, and Natalie and Schanke are on there way)
Nick: Daphne? Look, I found this near the body. It might belong to a necklace.
Daphne Malloch: Hmm. I'll check it out back at the shop.
Nick: What do you think? Minivan, or a station wagon?
Schanke: Nah, it's a big sedan.
Daphne: Actually, by the width, depth, and the tread of the tires, I think it might be a stretch limo. But you were close Donny.
Nick: What about the footprints?
Daphne: Smallish man, about five-seven, a hundred and sixty pounds. Not my kind of guy. (She gives a look to Schanke, and then leaves)
Natalie: Well, it certainly looks like Daphne likes you. Donny.
Nick: What would Myra say?
Schanke: Myra wouldn't say, she'd do.

Cohen: Missing person's report. The victim was Tamara Brunansky. A bank teller. Single, no priors. Family filed this yesterday.
Schanke: You sure it's her?
Cohen: Sure.
Natalie: Your odds are improving. Search team found that in her apartment. There are no prints on the pearl or the clasp, but I did find traces of massage oil on her shoulders and her back.
Schanke: Huh, how romantic.
Nick: She knew the killer.
Natalie: It's a woman's worst nightmare. You let your guard down in front of someone you thought you knew and respected. You allow your self to be vulnerable, and then you get violated.

Chicago, Illinois: 1968

Thomas Gardner (on TV): We stand at a crossroads in this nations history. An uncertain time to be sure. We cannot ignore our problems. We cannot turn away from unpleasant realities. The time has come. We seek to create a true democracy, which embraces all Americans in the process of government. Not just the privileged few. Inclusion, not exclusion....
Nick: He's charismatic. There no doubt about that.
Angela Mosler: Yeah, but do you like him? Do you like what he has to say.
Nick: I have to admit, I'm impressed.
Angela: He's a great communicator, Nick. The best. The media loves him. Everyone loves him. Because when he speaks, you know that he believes in what he's saying.
Gardner (on TV): Those who society has labeled as outcasts, all those who have been denied access to the process, are welcome to speak out in a Thomas Gardner administration.
Angela: Well, are you interested in joining the team?
Nick: Come on, Angela, I'm an off-duty cop who's working convention security. What could I possibly contribute to the democratic process.
Angela: That's the whole point about democracy, Nick. It's open to everyone. Gardner is open to everyone.
Gardner (on TV): To some, my message is frightening. Change, is frightening.

Natalie: Now, I'm no an expert, but these do look real. Very pricey, in fact. She couldn't afford those on a bank teller's salary, so they either had to be a heirloom, or a gift.
Cohen: Let's get them checked with the pearl Nick found. Schanke, take them down to forensics. Co-ordinate with the teams canvassing her neighbors and fellow employees.
Schanke: Captain, would it be possible if uh...Nick and I swap on this one, perhaps?
Cohen: You have a problem with forensics, Detective.
Schanke: Well, no.... You see, it's just that... I'll run them down.
Nick: Say hi to Daphne for me.

Old lady: We had just returned from our walk when Alfred spotted the strange car.
Nick: Alfred your husband?
Old lady: No, Alfred my dog. A Welsh Corgi, actually, like the queen's dogs. No tail, stubby legs? My husband is Albert. He likes to go for walks late at night.
Nick: Alfred or Albert?
Old lady: Both. But this night, Albert wasn't quite feeling himself. I think it was something he ate.
Nick: This is your dog?
Old lady: No, Albert. Alfred has splendid digestion.
Nick: Yes. Yes, ah...can you tell me something about the make or the colour of the car?
Old lady: Well, it was...oh, I'm sorry. The sad thing is, I was looking right at it.
Nick: *You saw the car. Tell me about it. What kind of car was it?*
Old lady: Big. Black. To dark to see.
Nick: *Did you see the license plate?*
Old lady: Yes. Red. It was a read license place. How odd.

Daphne: A fellow who gives his gal pearls can't be all bad.
Schanke: Unless he strangles her.
Daphne: Yeah, well, there is that. Have you ever given your wife pearls?
Schanke: You know I'm married?
Daphne: Got it written all over you, Donny.
Schanke: Really?
Daphne: Yeah.
Schanke: Wow.
Daphne: That's probably why other women are so attracted to you.
Schanke: You think so?
Daphne: Oh, definitely. Yeah. Yeah, there's something very appealing about a married man.
(Schanke walks around the table at that, and Daphne puts the pearl between her teeth, testing it. It falls to the table and starts rolling.)
Schanke: Here, I got it. (Schanke stops it from rolling)
Daphne: These are real. Not South Sea, mind you, but a high quality cultured. But it's the clasp that interests me.
Schanke: How so?
Daphne: It's silver. The hallmark says Russian, but the workmanship is too good. The design has an eastern influence, and from the quality of the silver...I'd say it's Kazakhstanie.
Schanke: Kasawhatie?
Daphne: I'll write it down for you.

Nick: So, how was Daphne?
Schanke: Oh man. She's definitely got the hots for me. She says she finds married men attractive.
Nick: Well, a lot of women do.
Schanke: Why is that? You know, before I met Myra, I couldn't get a date with a calendar. Then when she slaps the old ball and chain on me, boom they come crawling out of the woodwork.
Nick: Uh huh. And what do you plan doing about Daphne?
Schanke: Do? What do you think? I mean I'm, naturally, I'm flattered, but... She's kind of cute, too. That nose of hers, and she's tall and statuesque. But, I just feel guilty even talking about it, you know...what would Myra say?
Nick: Remember, Schank. Myra wouldn't say, she'd do.

Schanke: Kazakhstan. A central asian country of seventeen million people. It stretches from China to the Caspian sea. It gained it's independence from the Soviet Union in nineteen hundred and one. It's principle exports are coal and oil--
Nick: Schank, Schank, it's fine, it's enough. I'm impressed.
Schanke: Actually, I've never heard of the place, but I looked it up. We're kind of taking a flyer here, aren't we? Diplomatic plates and a couple of pearls. Very shaky ground. If we upset the wrong people, we're in public toilet detail in buttonville, if you get my drift.
Nick: Well, let's go.

Nick: We'd like to talk to whoever's in charge.
Juri Karimov: You can talk to me.
Schanke: And who would you would be?
Karimov: I'm Juri Karimov, Ambassador Petrashenko's attaché.
Nick: Ambassador?
Karimov: He is in Toronto for trade talks. You are aware you have no jurisdictions here?
Nick: We're quite aware of that. We just want to ask a few questions, that's all.
Karimov: May I ask what about?
Ambassador Oleg Petrashenko: What is your business here?
Nick: I'm Detective Knight, this is--
Ambassador: I don't want I want introductions, I want explanations.
Nick: And you are?
Ambassador: Ambassador Petrashenko.
Schanke: Well, Ambassador, meet homicide victim Tamara Brunansky. We believe she may be connected to someone in this consulate.
Ambassador: She isn't.
Nick: You seem very certain of that.
Ambassador: I am sure. I keep a very close watch on all my personnel. I insist upon tight security.
Schanke: Right, one mistake and it's off to the gulag, huh?
Nick: May we question your staff?
Ambassador: No, you may not.
Schanke: Better here than downtown.
Ambassador: Now, you listen to me. You have no power here. This is foreign soil. I'm asking you very politely to leave, or I will have you thrown out.
Schanke: I advise you to co-operate with us, Ambassador. We can make life very, very difficult.
Ambassador: And I could do the same for you, perhaps more effectively.

Thomas Gardner: Nick? What did you think of my speech today?
Nick: What did I think? It was a good speech.
Gardner: Why thank you. Now tell me the truth.
Nick: Well, I liked what you had to say about inclusion, about people who don't really feel as if they belong, but I thought you were short on specifics.
Gardner: Yeah. Yeah, that was my worry, too. I generalize too much. I just hope the voters are willing to listen to the details when the time comes. Assuming the time comes.
Nick: I think it will. I believe the White House awaits.
Gardner: Well, if your prediction comes to pass, I'd like you to think about being a part of the team, Nick.
Nick: Thank you, Sir, but I'm just a cop.
Gardner: Angela's told me a lot about you, and I have great faith in her opinions.
Nick: I have no background in politics.
Gardner: All the better. We need people, not politicians.
(Gardner walks away, and Angela walks over)
Angela: He asked you about joining the team, didn't he? He told me he would. And?
Nick: And I'll think about it.
Gardner: Angela? I'll need you to go over some convention floor strategies later on.
(Angela leaves, and Nick steps back and leans on...a table, or something)
LaCroix: The world is watching, Nicholas. And I am watching you.
Nick: What are you doing here?
LaCroix: Well, you know I've always been attracted to political turmoil. The violence, the bloodshed, and there will be plenty of that here. While the whole world's watching. You see, Nicholas, the best form of government is a benevolent tyranny tempered by the occasional assassination.
Nick: I believe in the democratic form of government.
LaCroix: Well then you believe in corruption, deception, and immorality. Maybe there is hope for you after all.
Nick: People have a right to chose who will govern them.
LaCroix: And whom do they choose? Greedy men grasping for power that they will then abuse. Like your senator friend. 'I believe the White House awaits'. Oh, Nicholas.... You already have real power, why waste your time with these pretenders?
Nick: Politics is a part of their world. A world I would like to belong to.
LaCroix: Always have to learn the hard way.

Ambassador: You have no jurisdiction here. Now, get out. And if you are seen on consulate grounds again, I will have you prosecuted for trespassing. Show these men out.
Schanke: I'd like to plow in that smug little kisser of his.
Nick: This isn't over, Schank.

Schanke: (on phone) He what?! Oh, man, that is a little bit above and beyond. Okay. Any information you can find, George. Right. Right, I owe you one. (Hangs up)
Nick: Got something?
Schanke: Yeah, George Menderson, old hockey buddy on mine. He's a great goalie. He works international relations and protocol at Queen's park. He says that Petrashenko turned down the presidency of Kazakhstan to accept the posting here. Kind of downwardly mobile, don't you think?
Nick: Sounds like a skeleton in the closet, to me.
Schanke: George certainly thinks so. And if I read him right, he's not the only one. He's going to dig up what he can about Petrashenko, but uh, says it's going to take a little bit of time.
Cohen: Knight, Schanke, in here!

Cohen: Gentlemen, Inspector Jacques Tremblay, RCMP. It seems you two stepped on some important toes last night.
Jacques Tremblay: All right, Detectives, I'll put this simply. Ambassador has diplomatic immunity, you can not touch him.
Schanke: We think he may have killed a woman.
Tremblay: The RCMP is taking over this investigation as of now.
Nick: Why bother, if, as you say, he has immunity. Yes, just as I thought.
Schanke: Hear that sweeping sound, Nick, as in under the carpet?
Tremblay: What you don't seem to understand, is that diplomatic immunity exists for a reason. It protects officials of foreign countries from persecution and assures stable relations between countries. That's the way the world works, gentlemen, there's nothing you can do about it.
Nick: Now wait a minute....
Tremblay: If our investigation concludes there are grounds to expel the Ambassador, we will make that suggestion.
Schanke: Expel? Great, Inspector! We're talking about murder, not gum chewing in class.
Tremblay: Detective, if you persist in this manner, I will have your badges. Captain. Excuse me. (He leaves)
Nick: Captain, you're not going to let him do this?
Cohen: How can I stop him? We're just the police, Nick. Petrashenko has too much power.
Nick: Yeah, and he's not afraid to abuse that power, either.
Cohen: You heard the Inspector, Nick. Give it up. Forget it.

Nick: (Seeing Angela coming crying out of a room) Angela? What's wrong?
Angela: It's my fault. It's all my fault. Just don't say anything to any one about this. ??? Just forget it ever happened. (She walks away, and Gardner comes out of the same room)

Cohen: Don't talk about it, don't think about it. Understand? (Her phone rings) Cohen? Right, okay. (Hangs up) Another body. Looks like it was dumped. Don't jump to conclusions. Gentlemen, I've warned you, Petrashenko is off limits. (Nick leaves) Make sure he tows the line, Detective, I mean it. You're both in up to your necks as it is.
Schanke: Okay....

Daphne: Looks like the same MO.
Schanke: But is it Petrashenko?
Nick: There's no doubt in my mind.
Natalie: Until we do some tests, I won't know whether the killings are linked or not. And even then....
Schanke: But if it is him, there is nothing we can do about it--
Nick: Somebody has to!
Daphne: I think I'll move on before someone crosses that line in the sand. If you need me....
Natalie: (gesturing for them to continue) Anytime.
Schanke: The case is under federal jurisdiction.
Nick: We have to go after them, Schank. Nobody else will.
Schanke: This could cost us our careers. Sometimes you got to play the game their way. There will be other cases. You're not going to solve any of them by standing in the sidelines, Nick. Nick!

Natalie: Whoever she is, she was strangled during a massage, just like Tamara Brunansky. Also, she had extremely high levels of alcohol and drugs in her system at the time of death. He seems to get them completely in his power, and then he kills them.
Nick: And goes on killing.
Natalie: Look, I know it's frustrating, but that's the way the system works, Nick. Diplomats have to be protected. Sure, it's got its faults, but it works in the long run. Or it should.
Nick: And who protects us from the diplomats in the short run?
Natalie: Nick, I'd like to help you if I could. But I can't give you anything that can link Petrashenko to the murders, and even if I could, what would you do with it? Except, of course, ruin your career and your partner's, bring them to a grinding halt.
Nick: If Petrashenko pushes back and someone's career is on the line, it'll be mine.
Natalie: Nick, Nick, you'd better be sure and very, very careful. Nick, you don't want to have to relocate, do you?!

LaCroix: Another casualty in the struggle for democracy. I hate say I told you so. Your senator friend doesn't care that he abused his power, that his lust cost a life. He's a politician. All he cares about is the scandal that might hurt his campaign. I can feel your anger. I know what you want to do to him. Do it. He deserves to die. They all do. Get him! It might do you some good. You have the right. You have the power.

LaCroix: What a decade this has turned out to be. War. Riot. Assassination. The Age of Aquarius indeed....

Karimov: Detective Schanke?
Schanke: Yeah, what can I do for you?
Karimov: I'm Juri Karimov.
Schanke: If you're here to back off your boss, that particular message has already been sent. And I'm not happy about it, so if you don't mind, there's the door.
Karimov: No, you don't understand. I need your help.
Schanke: You what?
Karimov: The Ambassador Oleg a murderer.

Karimov: Despite what he's told you, Ambassador Petrashenko was not at the consulate when those women were murdered. He left early in the evening on both nights, and he came back late. He would not say where he'd been.

Ambassador: Where the hell is Damir?
Man: We don't know, Sir.
Ambassador: Find him. Find Damir. Now.
Man: Yes, Sir.

Schanke: We need proof, Juri.
Karimov: It is the best I can do. You must understand that this has been going on for years. It is the reason he was forced to leave Kazakhstan.
Cohen: You're saying that he's killed before, in your country.
Karimov: I know for a fact that he beat his mistress to death. I'm ashamed to say it, but I was the one who drove her to the hospital. She died on the way. Of course, the authorities covered it up. And his wife.
Schanke: Oh, he murdered his wife?
Karimov: He might as well have, yes. She committed suicide because of his beatings, his affairs. Please, Petrashenko is untouchable because of his political status. You must stop him, or he'll never pay for his crimes. You must do something.

Nick: Perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me where you got those, Mr. Ambassador.

Ambassador: Stop this man. Call in security. You are destroying your career, Detective. I will see to it that you are prosecuted to the whole extent of the law.
Nick: It's a little late to hide behind laws, isn't it?

Tremblay: The consulate is in an uproar. They are demanding that Knight be handed over to them immediately.
Cohen: Tremblay, if you think we're just going to hand Knight over.
Tremblay: They kidnapped the Ambassador on Kazakhstanie soil. He is subject to their laws, and I wouldn't be surprised if they invoke the death penalty for this.
Cohen: Just answer me one question, did external affairs know about Petrashenko's past or not?
Tremblay: Well, if we'd thought the Ambassador posed any kind of risk, we would have never accepted his appointment.
Schanke: He's not a risk? Are you joking? His own assistant pegged him as a Jeffery Dohmer in the making.
Tremblay: That is hearsay.
Schanke: What does it take with you people?
Ambassador: (being taken into the precinct by Nick) I demand to talk to your superiors. I insist to be put in touch with the appropriate Canadian officials!
Tremblay: Uncuff him right now.
Nick: He's under arrest.
Tremblay: Like hell he is.
Cohen: Knight, do it.
(Nick uncuffs him)
Tremblay: Mr. Ambassador, I'm Inspector Jacques Tremblay of the RCPM. I will take care of this.
Ambassador: You can start by having this man incarcerated!
Tremblay: Captain, is there somewhere the Ambassador can wait for a few minutes until we can straighten this out?
Cohen: Officer? Take the Ambassador to interrogation. Get him anything he wants. Gentlemen, my office.
(They go into the office)
Female officer: Hey, Schanke, you've got a Detective George Menderson on line two.
Schanke: (picks up phone) Yo, George, shoot.

Tremblay: Have you completely lost your mind, Detective?
Nick: The Ambassador's the prime suspect in the murder investigation.
Tremblay: You kidnapped a representative of a foreign country on his territory. I wouldn't even be worried about your career right now, I'd be worried about your life.
Cohen: Knight, you should have told me you were going to do this.
Nick: Come on, somebody had to do it, and it sure as hell wasn't going to be him.
Cohen: We don't even have evidence linking him to the murders.
Nick: From the drawer of Petrashenko's desk.
Tremblay: Circumstantial at best. It was obtained without a warrant. They're worthless to the case.
Nick: Even his attaché says he did it.
Schanke: Sorry to interrupt, Captain, but um this is kind of important.
Cohen: It better be, Detective.
Schanke: There's a woman out there who claims she was with the second victim last night at the ??? dance club and that they left together with a man. She's pretty sure she can ID him.

Paula Kierns: I should have never left Nancy with him. We were both pretty wrecked. They guy scored some sensational stuff. But when he brought out the massage oil, I just made up some excuse. I said I'd be right back. I'm not into threesomes. But I never thought.... God. Why didn't I make her leave with me?
Cohen: It's okay, Paula. You're certain you'd recognize the man if you saw him again?
(She nods)
Schanke: (on phone) Yeah, bring him in.
Paula: No. No, that's not him. I'm sorry, but...I mean there's some resemblance, but this guy is like thirty years to old, you know?
Tremblay: Captain, I'd like to let the Ambassador know that this nonsense has now come to an end, and that according to my superiors, the Kazakhstanie government will officially request Detective Knight's extradition within twenty-four hours. Detectives. (He leaves)

Schanke: I don't know how we could have been wrong. Everything points to Petrashenko. Unless, of course, there's something in this stuff that Menderson faxed over.
Nick: What's there?
Schanke: News service clippings of Kazakhstan, with highlighted references to Petrashenko.
Nick: Don't worry Schank, I hear Kazakhstan is very nice this time of year.
Schanke: Don't even joke about that. I've got visions of you, a blindfold, and a firing squad dancing in my head. Competing of course with the abject terror that Daphne's going to ask me out on a date, but that's another life and death story. You know, Nick, I really wish that you hadn't....
Nick: I know. But I'm telling you, Petrashenko has something to do with these murders.
Schanke: I never said he didn't. It's just that got to let it go, Nick.
Nick: Schank, when people in power abuse that power, take themselves beyond the law, they've got to be exposed.

Gardner: You were a friend of Angela's. I know you must be terribly upset by her death, as we all are. But we mustn't overreact to this. You understand that, don't you?
Nick: Of course. Angela wouldn't want to hurt your campaign. After all, she believed in you.
Gardner: And I will do everything in my power to honour that belief. In the mean time we have to move on, put it behind us, pull together. Don't you agree, Nick? (The phone rings, and he answers it) Hello? (Listens, is a bit stunned) Tell-- Tell the committee my delegates are free to vote as they please. Tell them...I'm no longer a candidate for the presidency. (He hangs up) It's over. They'll be no investigation as long as I retire from the campaign. The tribune's front page story is going to claim I was having an affair with Angela. It seems one of my team called the press, told them about...what happened.

Schanke: Hey...take a look here. Petrashenko had a son, Damir. He defected to Canada about a year before daddy turned down the presidency. Says they could never prove anything. But he fled the country to avoid prosecution for unspecified crimes.
Nick: Do you see the son's address?
Schanke: No, whereabouts unknown. I'll get in touch with Menderson, maybe he can track the kid down.

Paula: There's some resemblance, but this guy is like thirty years to old, you know?

Nick: Don't bother making the phone call, Schanke. I think we already know where the Ambassador's son is. (Walks over to Petrashenko) One moment please, Mr. Ambassador.
Ambassador: I will not answer any of your questions.
Tremblay: For God's sake, will you let it go!
Nick: We know you didn't kill those two women.
Ambassador: I've been saying that all along!
Schanke: But you did dispose of their bodies. I guess you've got a few more calls to make, huh?

Nick: Who are you protecting?
Schanke: It's your son, isn't it?
Nick: Damir Petrashenko, your son, defected to Canada about a year before you arrived. We know he left under a cloud.
Schanke: To avoid prosecution for unspecified crimes.
Nick: Would those crimes include homicide, Mr. Ambassador?
Schanke: So, you put him to work in your embassy in Ottawa under an assumed name, as your attaché, Juri Karimov.
Nick: That way you'd be close enough to keep him under control. Problem--he can't be controlled. And he doesn't have diplomatic immunity because he was employed under false pretenses.
Schanke: You're covering for him.
Nick: And you're using your immunity to save your son.
Schanke: Where is he now?
Nick: Mr. Ambassador, where is your son?
Ambassador: I think I know. must take me with you, allow me to talk to him. Please.

Ambassador: I had to protect my son.
Nick: By disposing of his victims? Tell me, Mr. Ambassador, when was the body count going to start making you uncomfortable?
Ambassador: Would you not do the same for your child? Go to the ends of the Earth to protect him or her?

Karimov (Damir) You are a very beautiful woman.
Woman: Thank you.
Damir: But I can see beyond your beauty. I can see your intelligence. The passion. The life in your eyes. What, am I wrong?
Woman: Keep talking.
Damir: Yes, you are a special creature indeed.

Ambassador: As a boy, Damir was always in trouble. I travelled so much, I was never able to control him. His mother tried, but...he was too wild. He became violent. My power and position enabled him to get away with things no one else could have. It was all I could do.
Nick: But using your power didn't do anything. It only made it worse.
Ambassador: For all he has cost me, I love my son. He's all I have now. All that I truly care about.
Schanke: No offence, Mr. Ambassador, but he's not worth throwing away the presidency.
Ambassador: Under certain circumstances, power is meaningless, Detective. I should have learned that years ago. Perhaps if I had paid more attention to my son, and less to my political career, none of this would have happened.

Damir: Does that feel good?
Woman: You have amazing hands.
Damir: Perhaps you would appreciate the full treatment?
Woman: I would, but not here.

Ambassador: He comes here a lot. Remember, I have to talk to him.
Schanke: Well, if he gives us any trouble, we take over the conversation. At that point, you stay out of it.

Ambassador: Damir.
(Damir pulls a gun on the woman, holding her against him)
Nick: Police, everyone down!
Damir: I'll kill her!
Schanke: Let her go, Damir. Put down the gun.
Ambassador: Damir, please, listen.
Schanke: He's going to loose it.
Damir: You brought them here? You told them about me?
Ambassador: I can't protect you any longer. Please, Damir, do as they say. Put down the gun.
Damir: You don't tell me what to do!
Ambassador: You want these men to shoot you dead? What will I have then? What will we have? Please, my son, don't do this.
Damir: Now you talk to me like a father?
Ambassador: Yes, as I have always tried to do. For all you may think of me, even hate me for the life you were given, both of us have to take responsibility for our actions. The gap between us is simply not worth innocent lives. Nothing will be resolved this way. I would trade everything to be your father again, my son. Let me, please. Let me help you, now. Give me the gun.
(Damir goes to give it, but the girl moves, Damir panics and shoots, hitting his father. He leaves the club, woman in tow)
Nick: Call it in. Stay with him.

Woman: No, please! Please don't hurt me!
Damir: Shut up! (Damir shoves her to the ground)
(Nick flies up behind them, knocks him out, then helps the girl up.)

Schanke: You know the last time I knocked out a guy with one punch, I broke every bone in my right hand, well it felt like that anyway.
Nick: Yeah, it was just a little tap, really.
Schanke: Not from that bruise on the Damir's jaw, it wasn't. It's not like the kid didn't deserve it. If that bullet were to hit a few centimetres out of the way, his father would have been heading home in a cargo class pine box. I mean, what kind of a psycho are we talking about here, huh? I mean, what gets into the kid's head that he doesn't realise his actions don't have consequences? I guess it's true what they say about power corrupting.
Nick: Absolutely.
Schanke: What?
Nick: Nevermind.
(Daphne comes up and puts something on Schanke's desk.)
Schanke: What's this?
Daphne: Tickets. To the Leafs Duck's game this Saturday.
Schanke: Oh, I-I can't go with you, Daphne.
Daphne: Oh, I know. They're for you and Myra. I hear you're a huge Duck's fan.
Schanke: You know, this is really sweet of you. It really is. But I...I can't do it, I'd feel guilty taking them.
Daphne: Oh.
Schanke: Say, why don't you ask Nick? You're a big hockey fan, aren't you, Nick?
Nick: Yeah, sure. Sure, I--I'd love to go.
Daphne: No...I'll ask Lipensky.

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