Forever Knight - Start up and Shutdown Screens for Windows

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Well, I got bored, so... <G> I know there's only five (four,'s just a variation), but I will be most likely be adding to these in the future.

All screens are grouped by theme (with a startup, wait, and shutdown screen included) and are below in .zip format. They should work with Windows 95/98/ME. Each file contains instructions on how to install them on your computer, in a file called 'logo.txt', for those that have never used startup/shutdown screens before. The images seen below represent a smaller unsquished version of the actual graphics.

Please do not put these on your or other sites without permission as I did make them. Otherwise, enjoy!

Welcome -- Startup FK -- Wait FK -- Shutdown
FK Theme - - 112K

Welcome to the Knight Back to the darkness... See you soon...
Dark Trinity 1 - - 180K

Welcome to the Knight Back to the darkness... See you soon...
Dark Trinity 2 - - 120K

Starting Windows Please wait while your computer shuts down. It is now safe to turn off your computer.
Dark Trinity 3 - - 82K | also without wording: - 157K

Hunting...  ...for Windows The hunt is over  ...for now Come again soon
Hunted Theme - - 139K


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This page was last updated 6 April, 2003
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