
Main | Forever Knight | My Fanfic Dungeon

23 Sept, 2020 - Mostly just to update that fkfanfic2.com is now pointing to the new server and working. :) Looks like it was down sometime on the 19th through early today. Took longer to transfer than it should have for whatever reason.

17 Sept, 2020 - This is mostly to note that fkfanfic2.com may be down for a few hours or days, most likely sometime from or during the 18th-22nd or so, as my old hosting may be 'down' before the domain transfers. AKA I assume it *will* go down for at least a few hours. Contact/emails will also be down (I think they were to begin with, as I kept having issues with it...ie, not getting emails, so if I've not responded to something, it's because of that :( ), so use the form here on this site for the time being. I did take the email links off; they'll be back (and *fixed*, I hope) in the next little bit. If you're here because fkfanfic2 is currently down, the new server can temporarily be accessed via removed. I'll update this once everything is all good.
    - Random related note/thought, apparently Mel's site is gone. :( If this is not up somewhere and someone has the files (or doesn't want to continue hosting it if it is up), I'd gladly host them with fkfanfic2, and maybe even make it all one site/database. The domain isn't really available (it's $3k USD something...checked when found out it was gone), otherwise I'd snap that up.
    - Also, looks like I might have forgotten to update this page at least once. Oops. I added a new story in July of this year, and updated the progress page a bit. Need to do another progess page update.


22 Jan, 2016 - Added another fic (the long one), and added several 'new' ones to the progress page.

Dec 2013/Jan 2014 - Some 'new' fics are *finally* up! Also updated the code on the fanfic page there a little. Still having the issue of 'must find titles' as per previous update, but at least it's not as bad! But I've written some more title-less fics since that last update, too...there's three or four new ones...

23 Jan, 2013 - Well, so much for the previous note about more updates. I *thought* I'd have time, but nope. :( Didn't get to update before, but maybe now. :)
   Started with a major update to my 'fanfic progress' page. As one can see: Must. Find. Titles. Hopefully some of those on the list will start popping up here in the very near future.

6 May, 2011 - Pardon the downtime--my webhost changed IP addresses and I couldn't use my previous nameservers, so the site was down for almost a week. *oops*
   Also updated email(s) on contact page, and in the fic files.
   There will likely be updates within the next couple/few months to the site. :)

Want earlier (pre-2011) updates? Go here for the rest.