War 7 Archive

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Here, posts from FK War 7 can be found, which took place from July 27, to August 12, in 1996. The links below are text files approximately 250-310Kb in size, with the war organised by time (thanks to Cousin Tok!). I'd also like to thank her for sending me the posts so I could put them up. <G>

Eventually, (basically when/if time permits, etc.) I may organise the posts by faction.

Note: The files below add up to a total of a little over 3Mb. If you'd rather download one file, email me, and I can temporarily upload and/or email a zip file to you. This file is about 1.3Mb.

War posts file 1
War posts file 5
War posts file 9
War posts file 2
War posts file 6
War posts file 10
War posts file 3
War posts file 7
War posts file 11
War posts file 4
War posts file 8

A link to a listing of posts within each file can be found here.


Links to the other War Archives
     Wars 1-4 - at fkfanfic.com
     War 5
     War 6 - letter writting campaign, I believe
     War 7 - you're there
     War 8 - at fkfanfic.com
     War 9 (also has a good explanation of the wars)
     War 10 - at the ftp site
     War 11 - at Yahoo! groups


This page was last updated 10 June, 2004.